Programme des 19
- Jeudi 26 mars 2009
- 08h15-9h45 Session 1 Injections percutanées intra osseuses.Etat de l’art (Percutaneous bone augmentation. State of the art.)
- 10h15-11h30 Session 2 Biomatériaux polymériques injectables. Etat de l’art (Injectable polymeric biomaterials. state of the art)
- 08h45-9h45 Selected Abstracts:
- 11h15-11h30 Selected Abstracts
- 11h30-13h00 Session 3 Remodelage osseux (Bone Remodeling)
- 12h00-13h00 Selected Abstracts
- 15h30- 16h10 Workshop organized withTEKNIMED
- 17 h00-18 h00 Session 4 Substituts osseux injectables (Injectable Bone Substitutes)
- 18:00-19:00 Selected Abstracts
- Vendredi 27 mars 2009
- 08h00-8h45 Session 5 Biomécanique et biomatériaux osseux injectables (Biomechanics of Injectable Bone Biomaterials)
- 08h30-08h45 Selected Abstracts
- 08h45-12h30 Session 6 Injectable Biomaterials, Delivery & Instrumentation
- 10h15-12h30 Selected Abstracts
- 15h30- 16h10 Workshop organized with THIEBAUD
- 17h00-18h15 Session 7 Biomatériaux bioactifs et vecteurs (Osteoinductive & Drug Carriers Biomaterials)
Accès thematique
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